Kayla Weller » About Ms. Weller

About Ms. Weller

I can be contacted the following ways:
Phone: 615-890-6450 (ext. 23641)
High School:  Cannon County High School (Go Lions!)
Undergraduate School:  MTSU (English major, Art minor)
Graduate School: MTSU (M.Ed.: Curriculum and Instruction)
Years in Education: 18
Grades Taught:  K-12
Movie: The Princess Bride, Pride and Prejudice, 
Book: This changes all the time, but right now it's To Kill a Mockingbird.
Author: Stephen King
Musical Artists: Matt Nathanson, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, John Mayer, Fleetwood Mac
Musical Genre: folk and oldies
Food: POTATOES, and pasta
Color: pink
Vacation Spot: Anywhere new. I love to travel.
Animal: cat