Counseling Office » FAQ's & Other Helpful Links

FAQ's & Other Helpful Links

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I send my transcript?

A: There is a short transcript request form located in the the lobby of the counseling office.  The completed form and your payment of $2 per transcript should be given to Ms. Murphy, the counseling secretary.


 How do I get a copy of my transcript if I am a GRADUATE?

A: Graduates should email Mr. Bingham at [email protected] or call 615-890-6450, extension 23509 to make a request.  Each transcript costs $2.


What is required for a schedule change?

A: Schedule changes will be approved if it is necessary to meet graduation requirements.

Schedules will not be changed because a student wants classes with his/her friends, doesn't like the teacher or structure of class, wants a different lunch period and other similar reasons.  It is extremely rare that schedules are changed from advanced classes to standard classes. This type of request must be approved through your grade level administrator, no exceptions. 


How do parents request make-up work when a student is absent?

A: This can be done 1 of 2 ways.  A parent or student can email their teacher directly to request assignments via email. The second way is to contact the assigned school counselor and he/she will submit an email to each teacher. Teachers need at least a 24 hour notice to properly prepare materials.


My child is failing classes and I don't understand why.  How do I find out?

A.  It is important to reach out to your child's teachers to better understand what is happening or not in their classrooms.  Teachers have daily contact with your student and communication between home and school can often help students get back on track.