Welcome to Mr. Layne's Classroom!

Welcome to Mr. Layne's World History & Ancient History Web Page!

[email protected]


To access the online text for World History, follow this procedure. 1. Go to the Riverdale home page. 2. Click on the "Clever" tab. 3. Have students log in with their normal school log-in. 4. Find the red "McGraw-Hill" icon and click. 5.  This should cause the World History text cover to appear.  6. Click on the text, and browse for the correct chapter.



GRADES Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password.


· If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office at 615-890-6450.


ASSIGNMENTS: Check the calendar section on my web page for upcoming student assignments.



Contact me to obtain online textbook information for this class. ·

RCS Textbook Reference List ·https://rcschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/throneberryb_rcschools_net/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fthroneberryb%5Frcschools%5Fnet%2FDocuments%2FHS%20Textbook%20Reference%20List%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fthroneberryb%5Frcschools%5Fnet%2FDocuments&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9yY3NjaG9vbHMtbXkuc2hhcmVwb2ludC5jb20vOmI6L2cvcGVyc29uYWwvdGhyb25lYmVycnliX3Jjc2Nob29sc19uZXQvRVFWaFJKLXJZS2RMZzBzd3lEZy12d01CdThtVHhRUlRSQkxhVGhGQVE1MzNHZz9ydGltZT10RDJGbmw4OTJFZw

RCS Online Access  https://www.rcschools.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=525032&type=d&pREC_ID=1042268


OFFICE 365/EMAIL · You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.

Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
Also, be sure to check the Rutherford County Schools Website for additional materials in each subject.  (CLICK HERE and pick out your content)
Please check the calendar section on my web page for upcoming student assignments.


Contact Information and Resources

Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
Also, be sure to check the Rutherford County Schools Website for additional materials in each subject.  (CLICK HERE and pick out your content)

Online Material

Please check the calendar section on my web page for upcoming student assignments.