Herr Johnson
Contact Herr Johnson
Phone: 615-890-6450 EXT: 23555 (leave message and callback info)
Welcome to German class. Here you will find important links to class activities, vocabulary, assignments and dates.
- The 'links' tab will connect you to some German-learning YouTube channels for enrichment.
- The 'Vista/Schoology' tab goes to CLEVER.
- X goes to X.
- Please check in here (below at the "Was machen wir?" link) for assignments when I am absent and what we are working on in general.
- You will not have "busy work". Everything matters, and it is in your best interest to be thorough and adventurous when practicing a new language.
- Please communicate with me through your school appointed email, if needed. Danke!
Grading summary for German 1 and 2. Click to expand.
Was machen wir? Click to open: What are we doing?
Freitag 17. Januar
Deutsch I: Review sub-work, focus on listening activities for formal vs. informal speech. Practice vocabulary 1a and 1b.
Deutsch II: Review sub-work and continue Review Unit in Vista.
Your grades, progress reports, and report cards will be accessible through SKYWARD. Password reset done through front office, I believe. Contact me if you have questions!
Grading periods:
Term 3: 2025-01-08 - 2025-03-08,
Term 4: 2025-03-10 - 2025-05-31
Progress reports at the four week marks, Thursdays.