Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office at 615-890-6450.
Most assignments will be posted in TEAMS. You can access TEAMS through your student email as an app or through Clever. I have already added all of my students to their class in TEAMS.
Team Codes:
Each class has a team code. Please ask Mrs. Simpson if you are not already added to the class.
Textbooks were handed out in person. If you missed that day, please let me know and I will leave a textbook for you in the front office or you can pick it up in class.
You can access your Office 365 account by the STUDENT EMAIL button at the top of the page, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.
Teacher Contact Information
Supply List:
➔ A three ring binder
➔ Dividers: 5
➔ Pencil and blue or black pens
➔ Highlighters/colorful pens
Remind Codes:
2nd Period English III: text @bbgbkc8 to 81010
3rd Period English III Honors: text @3rdengiiih to 81010
4th Period English III: text @4thengiiis to 81010
5th Period English III Honors: text @5thengiiih to 81010
7th Period English III Honors: text @7thengiiih to 81010
8th Period English III: text @e66e69 to 81010