Shara Terrill » Mrs. Terrill - Science

Mrs. Terrill - Science


All information on Mrs. Terrill's AP Environmental Science Class and Biology Class can be found on Schoology!  This includes dates, links, and digital copies of handouts.



Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password.

  • If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office at 615-890-6450.


Schoology icon

Use Clever to access assignments in Schoology. 

  • Login by clicking on "Active Directory."
  • Login to Clever using your username and password that are used for login at school.
  • Once in Clever, find the Schoology icon.
  •  You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school. 


An overview of what we did each class period is on Schoology (and links to the documents/assignments, if applicable).  Students need to open the course Schoology page and click the 'I missed class!' folder.