Welcome to driver's education

Welcome to my Drivers Education website.  I've listed some links to statistics we talk about in class as well as a link to the Tennessee Drivers Handbook and some practice tests so that you can study for your permit test. Here is a link to the Drivers Education Textbook. I am also going to link all class room assignments for distance learners on this page as well as on Kiddom.  If you need to discuss something with me over the phone please email me and we'll set up a time where we can talk.


To receive your insurance certificate for class you must complete the drivers log under the handouts tab and email it back to me.  This will be due December 15.


Behind the Wheel Checklist

Texting and Driving

Texting and Driving Statistics

Click It or Ticket

Hands Free Tennessee

Tennessee Drivers Handbook

Learners Permit Practice Test

Learners Permit Practice Test 2

State Drivers Services


Links for Parents that are teaching their kids how to drive:
Click here for the State Farm Driving Checklist
A great website for parents to check out is teendriversource.org