Coach Kendrick- Wellness Teacher/Assistant Baseball Coach
What you need to know:
1. Be on time to class
2. Daily participation. Dressing out will be included in this grade. Participation is 70% of their grade.
3. We do a weekly timed 1 mile walk/jog/run. Looking for improvement each week. This will be done on our block day schedule.
4. Students need to dress out in athletic wear. Includes: running shorts, sweatpants, leggings with long enough shirt, t-shirt etc.. Blue jeans, dress shirts, khaki pants or shorts etc. not acceptable. Uniforms are not mandatory but may be purchased if they would like one to wear to class. Info will be on the syllabus for uniforms.
5. Shoes are required. NO flip flops, sandals, boots etc.. If not dressed out correctly students will walk the steps upstairs.
GRADES Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password.
· If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office at 615-890-6450.
Email: [email protected]
Wellness/PE Mission Statement
Physical Education will help the students of Riverdale High School gain the knowledge that will allow them to lead healthy, active, and prosperous lives.
Coach Kendrick Schedule
Coach Kendrick Intro