Welcome to Mrs. Palmer's classroom!

Melissa M. Palmer
2023-24 School Year
Welcome back. I looking forward to a semester of learning and increased student engagement.  At any time, I encourage both parents and students to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about my classroom instruction.  Thank you all and welcome. 
As soon as possible, I will be creating teams for all of my classes.   If you are absent for any reason please make sure you are logging into teams and completing the work in real time.  There will be closing dates on each assignment.
Even Day Schedule Odd Day Schedule
2nd Dual Credit Psychology
1st Study Hall -- Always bring something to work on.     
4th U.S. Government            3rd Planning 
6th  Attendance Dean  5th U.S. Government  Honors
8th  U.S. Government Honors 7th Planning -  MTSU Class in P4