Mark Everett » Archery


Archery News
Archery information for the 2023-2024 season  
Archery Parent/Interest meeting for the 2023-24 season has already taken place. 
Click on the links in RED below to get started and to find out more information.
Archery Information 
I will go over this during the meeting. Updated 9/14/23
All archers must use a Mathews Genisis original bow that has not been modified.
The team a has a limited number to loan out if you do not have your own. 
You can order one or look on this website for more information.
Rutherford County Permission Form for clubs and organizations
This form must also be filled out and returned to me before you can practice or participate in anyway. This is new for this year. 
Archer Information
Every archer MUST click on the link below and fill out the form.
All Archers must have a DragonFly Account and have it completed to 100% to practice.
You have to complete DragonFly even if you have completed Final Forms for another sport.
Look for Mixed Archery as the sport. No sports physical is required for archery.
DragonFly Instructions Click Here
Team communication
The archery team uses Remind to communicate new and weekly information. I recommend downloading the app and using Remind that way other than just text message.  
Please Join the Archery Remind use your phone and the link below.
Archery Schedule
New Schedule. Please note dates and times are subject to change.
School Cash Information
Use School cash to pay archer dues it will not be available until I submit your name after you fill out the archer information link at the top of this page.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]