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RCS Resources for Students with Learning Differences


Acknowledgement and Introduction 

This document is intended as a resource in coordination with “RCS Learning Plan (Covid-19)” to support students with learning differences during school closure due to Covid-19. We urge school teams and families to focus first on the health, safety, and well-being of students. We encourage flexibility and collaboration while schools remain closed. Rutherford County Schools is deeply committed to supporting educational opportunities for all students. We appreciate the collective effort of students, families, teachers, and support staff as we rise to the challenge of supporting our students and families during school closure. 


General Accommodations for Students with Learning Differences




Example (s)

Allow movement/breaks 

Allow student to have frequent movement breaks to help with attention/focus 



Brain Breaks, such as 


First/then statements (e.g., “first complete [insert task], then you may [insert reward]”) 


A small electronic device used to make mathematical calculations using a keyboard and visual display.  

Calculator on phone, computer, tablet, or handheld calculator 

Check for Understanding 

A periodic check of student understanding 

Checking student’s work to ensure he/she is understanding the material or asking if the student has any questions about the content 

Chunking/Segmenting Assignment 

Break assignments into smaller sections 

Have students complete 5 problems at a time instead of the entire assignment at one time. 

Grid or Lined Paper 

Paper with built in spacing to help organize and solve math problems such as long division, decimals, and fractions. 

Grid paper 

Highlight Key Words/ Points 

Highlight or underline keywords/points within the text to maximize understanding  


Highlight clue words indicating the task the directions are asking them to do.

Math -highlight key words that indicate the needed operation(s).   


Reading -highlight clue words for the task the questions are asking them to do. 


Math Manipulatives 

Any small objects used to help student solve math problems 

Cereal, Coins, Blocks, Crayons,


Quiet Location 

To ensure focus, ensure the student has a quiet location to work. 

Student works away from environmental distractions such as TV, siblings, center of the home 


Prompting to refocus attention to the current task.  

“You’ve been doing a great job, let’s keep working” 


Rephrase/Reword the question or directions in a way that students can understand 


Repeat the directions or questions as needed for task completion 

Simplify or re-explain the directions by Using language at the level of a child’s understanding.  


Take unnecessary words out of questions or directions to simplify 

Rewards and Reinforcers 

Provide a reward to reinforce good choices upon completion of tasks or a specified number of tasks. 

Student chooses their favorite activity,  

Stickers, Star on paper, Positive reinforcement (nice work) 


A person will write a student’s answer as they dictate it, word-for-word. 

If your child states “the boy runned at the park” you will write the answer exactly as they stated it. *Do not correct grammar* 

Speech to Text 

Students can talk while the software will type what they say. Remember to say punctuation marks ex. “period” 

Google Voice Typing 

Text to Speech 

Software will read the text on the screen 

Human Reader 


Google Read & Write(extension) 

Visual Aids 

Visuals such as pictures, charts, or drawings that help students complete a task. 

Multiplication Chart 

100s Chart 

Graphic Organizers 

Task Strips 



Word Processor 

Any technology that can be used to type a response 

Google Docs 


Microsoft Word 

Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs 








General Academic Resources 






For grades K-12: Lessons in Early literacy, Language, Reading, Social Studies, and Science.  Students take a placement test that provides a personalized lesson pathway to meet each student's individual needs. Students can log in by going to the RCS district clever portal and selecting the Moby Max tile. 

Moby Max



PreK-12 digital media service with more than 30,000 learning materials 


PBS Learning Media



Preschool through 8th grade Home schooling E-Courses

A Better Way to Homeschool

Educational games for grades PreK through 6 that will keep kids engaged and having fun. Topics include math, reading, typing, just-for-fun logic games   















Adapted/Modified Curriculum/Life Skills 


Life skills curriculum for students in grades K-12. These resources include strategies for teaching social and emotional skills.  We have included several example sites and direct links.






Site (s)


Adaptive curriculum in Math and ELA for Grades K-8


Adaptive Curriculum:

Adaptive curriculum in Science



Activity Schedule

An activity schedule is a visual representation or sequence of pictures or words that represent each step during an activity. For example, an activity schedule might list the specific steps involved in brushing teeth, getting dressed, or playing with play dough.




File Folder Games 


Includes free templates to file folder games


Have Fun Teaching  


Worksheets, coloring pages, flash cards, activities, videos, songs and more tools that teach every standard.

















Academic Resources: Reading 


Dolch Sight Words:


Includes the Dolch Sight Word list for skill acquisition.  





An online resource of reading passages and lesson plans for students of all levels K-12.    



Lexia Power UP:


ELA Intervention Resource for grades 6-12.  Students take a placement test that provides a personalized lesson pathway to meet each student's individual needs. Log in information can be shared by the teacher.  


Lexia Core 5:


ELA Intervention Resource for grades Pre K-5.  Child can then log in with the username and password provided by his/her teacher 





Students log in through Clever account 


There is also an app available i-Ready for Students





Instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream. 


Free reading comprehension worksheets for teachers and parents to copy 


Collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics 


Offers students up-to-date, high-interest articles that meet students right at their level 





Academic Resources: Math


Free Touch Math Samples:


Click on appropriate grade level 



Touch Math: 


Videos are available on showing how to do touch math.



Khan Academy:


Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. 



Quick Math:


Enter your math problem or search term, press the button, and they show you the step-by-step work and answer instantly (2nd grade through college) 



Imagine Math:


High School Math Intervention  

Students should use the log in information provided by his/her teacher  



Freckle (Free):



Reflex Math:





Students log in through Clever account 


There is also an app available i-Ready for Students




Academic Resources: Writing


No Red Ink:


Online curriculum that builds better writers.   



Paragraph Punch


Teaches students how to write a paragraph through interactive online tutorial   









*** Fine Motor Handwriting See Below***





Resources: Autism


School Closure Autism Kit:




Autism Toolkit:


Educate Autism:


Educate Autism is a website dedicated to helping those working with children with autism by providing free teaching materials, various tutorials to help you make your own teaching aidsand articles to provide information about teaching methods and behavioral principles. 



Autism Classroom: is an online resource for parents, educators and administrators about setting up classrooms, setting up home and teaching children with autism. provides free teaching materials, information on free and low-cost trainings and mobile apps. 




Resources: Behavior


University of South Florida Family Engagement Page:


Contains resources across a variety of languages on teaching social/emotional skills, addressing problem behavior (found under “backpack connection”), family connection (teaching play skills), social stories, and general resources.  (Scroll to the bottom of the page)



Autism Speaks:


“Challenging Behaviors Toolkit” contains videos for parents to watch. 



Child Mind Institute - Guide to problem behavior:


Contains information on providing reinforcement for appropriate behaviors, setting boundaries/not delivering rewards for inappropriate behaviors, how to deliver instructions, and helping deal with emotions  



Cosmic Kids Yoga:


Videos are available on that promote yoga, movement/body awareness, mindfulness and relaxation designed for kids ages 3+ 


Resources: Fine Motor/Handwriting 



Handwriting Heroes: (Visit your App Store)


Our playful heroes teach students how to form their letters through captivating stories, hilarious animations, and catchy songs. The format is simple, and the pace is fast! 



The OT Tool Box:


At home OT, PT, and Speech Therapy resources designed to build skills in children through movement and play 



Learning Without Tears:


Includes the Handwriting without tears program which teach students letter formation through developmentally appropriate, multisensory strategies and child friendly lessons and activities. Right now, families/parents can access the pre-K interactive teaching tool and/or handwriting interactive teaching tool for 90 days at no cost. Families can also access keyboarding without tears for free by contacting their customer service. 



Therapy street for kids :


Offers resources for parents who are looking for occupational therapy activities that can be done at home and with household materials. Skill areas include fine motor, visual motor, crossing midline, self help skills, sensory processing and handwriting.   


OT Learning Mom Activities:


Includes simple learning activities that would help kids develop the skills they need for formal schooling 



OT Plan:


Search engine that helps you find occupational therapy activity ideas by skill and by using common household materials  







Resources: Social/Emotional 



Emotional Well-Being:


Offers a variety of resources for nearly every aspect of emotional well-being 


Feelings Chart:


Print or pull up one of the linked feelings charts. Have your child point to or talk about how s/he is feeling every morning. You can model this by talking about how you are feeling and why. Feel free to use these charts throughout the day as feelings change for you and/or your child. You can also make your own feelings chart with pictures of your child’s feelings.    

Chart 1  Chart 2  Chart 3 Chart 4 


Tantrums, Tears, and Tempers Behavior:


Communication and strategies to help.  


Social Emotional Learning Activities Free resources:


Lessons, activities, and printables – in the following skill areas: Communication, Cooperation, Emotion Regulation, Empathy, Impulse Control, and Social Initiation 



Resources: Speech/Language



School-Home Reading Kits: 


Kindergarten level, including recognizing letters, understanding words consist of a sequence of sounds, rhyming, building vocabulary, following directions, and more. 


Mommy Speech Therapy:


Words in various speech position, great for articulation, worksheet for speech sounds 


Vocabulary builder 


Learn idioms 



Home Speech Home:


Speech therapy word list 



Resources: Hearing 



American Sign Language:


Kids stories in ASL as well as other news and information in ASL 


Signed E-Books and Resourses:







Resources: Vision










An accessible online library for those who qualify. 



Offering Free access for home computers until June 30, 2020.   

JAWS-Screen reader 

Zoom Text-magnifier/reader 


Hadley School for the Blind 



Instructional videos and tips on using vision accessibility features across tech tools and applications 



Story Time 

Stories read aloud by Authors & Famous people 


Paths to Literacy Homework Hotline 


Homework help for blind and visually impaired students. 


This is an opportunity for students to participate in fun, daily activities, each day covering a different area of the Expanded Core Curriculum. 









In the search panel type in accessibility 





Adjust font size under “Make text bigger” 

Adjust Screen Brightness under “Make everything brighter” 

Changing background color 

Adjust Cursor Size – on the left side under “Curser and Pointer” 



Use a line marker to keep your place when reading-this can be an index card or ruler that you move down the page 

Use wide tip marker to outline activities student is struggling to see 

Use of highlighter to get student to focus on specific task 




Extension Resources


Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth: A CTY Reading List: Good Books for Bright Kids



Tennessee R.E.A.D.S: Reginal eBook & Audiobook Download System



College Board:  Big Future supports your college search and career exploration.


College Board's Big Future College Search



Khan Academy: educational lessons in a variety of subjects including AP