Please remember that pre means beginning, a prefix goes in front of the word. Many prefixes have the same meaning.
- nonverbal not able to speak
- nonexistent not present or re
- irregular not normal
- irrelevant not important
- irrational not thinking clearly,
- incapable not able to do something
- ineligible not allowed to do or be something, legally disqualified
- imbalance condition where things do not in equal or proper amounts.
- illiterate not knowing how to read or write.
- illogical not thinking things in a sensible way.
DIS-(not opposite of)
- displace to take the place of someone, to force people or animals to move.
- disgrace to make someone feel ashamed or feel unworthy
DE-(opposite of, away)
- decode to find the hidden meaning of
- deprive to take something away from someone, to not allow.
- antidote a medicine that stops the harmful effects of a poison.
antisocial not friendly with other people, violent or harmful to others
- antipathy strong dislike of a person.
- antiseptic a substance that prevents an infection
- antibody substance made by the body to fight a disease
- counterfeit something that is made to look like an exact copy in order to trick somebody
- counterpart someone or thing that has the same job or purpose.
- counteract against something, to cause something to have little or no effect.
- contradict to say the opposite of someone, deny the truth of,
- contraary opposite or different fact, event or situation.