Root words
Remember a root word can stand alone or be used with other root words, prefixes and suffixes.
ped,pod means foot
- pedestrian a person walking in a city or on a road
- pedicure a treatment to make the feet look pretty
- pedometer a devise that measures the distance a person walks
- podiatrist a foot doctor
- tripod a three legged support for a camera or telescope
Cred means believe
- credential skill that makes a person suited for a job
- credible able to believe or trust
- creditor person, bank, or company that lends money to someone
- creed statement of basic beliefs of a religion, idea that guides the actions of a person or group
- incredulous not able or willing to believe something
Photo means light.
- photocopy a paper copy that is made with the copy machine.
- photograph a picture made by a camera (photo)
- photon a tiny particle of light or electromagnetic radiation
- photosynthesis process where a green plant turns water and carbon dioxide into food when exposed to light.
- telephoto lens for a camera that makes things look closer.
Graph means to write:
- autograph the signature of a person
- graffiti pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall or building
- graphite shiny black substance used in pencils
- paragraph part or a writing that deals with one subject, made up of one or more sentences
- telegraph outdated system of sending messages by using wires and electrical signals