Latin 1
Supply list 23-24
1 way to keep notes in 5 sections.
1 composition book, bound not spiral. College or wide rule or graph doesn't matter to me
Personal white board marker and post it notes for you to keep.
All types allowed, funny shapes bright colors whatever YOU like.
We will have several projects where coloring is a choice, and some where poster board/card stock is preferred. 1 poster board cut in fourths should suffice, or 2 halved, or 4 full, your choice. These are not necessary the first week of school, but if you want to grab them on tax free weekend you can.
Wish list items for class.
Bandaids, Clorox or other cleaning wipes, White board markers, colored pencils, white board cleaner, Paper towel,
Corrections and Retakes
Corrections are for ordinary vocab quizzes regardless of grade. Check the syllabus for choices
Retakes; A student may do 3 retakes in a quarter. Retakes may not be in the same format as the original quiz so learn the material not the answers. Retakes are not done during class time. I get here by 8, I have lunch period credit recovery , and can stay after school most days by request. Pick one. To be eligible for the retake you must 1) Complete any missing practice work 2) Write an explanation of what caused you to do so poorly you need a retake. 3) Make a plan for how you will do better and explain to me when you make your retake appointment.
Class Rules
1) Show compassion whenever possible. (It is ALWAYS possible)
2) Don't dish what you can't/won't take.
3) Be on time: to class, with work, with projects..
4) Be responsible: keep tidy, bring your stuff, be wise with your phone.
5) Try. Tomorrow's another day, try again.
Lovely links:
podcast, on going assignments and extracredit opportunities AFTER we cover a topic in class, feel free to come here if my first version didn't work for you. These are handy. Specific ones will be graded. Family notes just for funsies