Ms. Tracey Housley » Office 365 Microsoft Teams

Office 365 Microsoft Teams

You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here.The username and password are the same as your computer login at school. If you need help with how to use different features in your account you can click on this link to download the Office 365 guide.
Next you will click on the waffle in the upper left hand corner, and then click the Teams app from the list of drop down items on the left side.  
  1. Click Teams Teams button on the left side of the app, then click Join or create a team at the bottom of your teams list.

  2. Go to Join a team with a code (the second tile), paste the code in the Enter code box, and click Join.

  3. Find your class period and type in the corresponding team code. 
Class Period Team Codes:  
3rd (1st Semester): 
3rd (2nd Semester):  