Ms. Tracey Housley » ACT Prep

ACT Prep

ACT Broken Down
English Section: 
Math Section:


ACT Prep with Coach Harris Video 1 – Math


ACT Prep with Coach Harris Video 2 – Math

Reading Section: 
How is the ACT Reading Section Structured?
  • Reading Pieces: There will be 4 reading pieces and they are...
    1. Nonfiction
    2. Nonfiction
    3. Nonfiction
    4. Prose Fiction/Literary Narrative (Do LAST!)
  • Time: You will have a total of 35 minutes to do the following...
    1. Read the 4 different reading pieces
    2. Answer 40 multiple choice questions (10 questions per passage)
  • # of Questions: 
    1. 40 multiple choice questions (10 questions per passage)
ACT Prep with Shaun Smith Video 1 – Reading Strategy (Nonfiction Reading on the ACT)
Science Section: 